return to routines

Photo credit: Ruth Grohman

This evening I’ll attend the last of the summer potlucks with my neighbors. We’ll be pressed to finish our conversations and clean things up by the setting of the sun. The signs of seasonal change are all around us. The days are noticeably shorter, everything is dry from the grasses to the air, the garden is winding down (too soon for the Gold Medal tomato whose fruit, I’m afraid, will remain green).

For the last month, my attendance in asana classes with my teachers has been wanting. I’ve been out of town; they’ve been out of town; summer just gets so full! While I love all that summer is—wide and open and full of activity—I’m equally happy to meet the return to routines that comes with fall, especially the return to formal learning. I’m clearly a life-long student!

Starting this week, I’m excited to be offering a new Level 1 class on Wednesdays at 6 p.m. This class will meet in-person at Jewel Yoga. If it’s been a while since you’ve been in class at the studio, let this be an invitation to you to return to the structure of a weekly class.

After a summer break, I’m also returning to the All Levels online class on Mondays at 10:00 a.m. For those of you who live farther afield, or who like the convenience of taking class from home, I look forward to seeing you again from my home “studio” on Mondays. The recordings of these classes are a great make-up option for the in-person classes.

Beginning in October, I’ll be offering Iyengar Yoga Studies, a four-month program for students who want to bring greater depth and breadth to their yoga practice. Our time together will include asana and pranayama classes, discussion of sequencing, study and discussion of yoga philosophy, and chanting. You don’t have to be an advanced student, just ready to commit to practicing regularly. Iyengar Yoga Studies may be the resource you’ve needed to structure and nurture your home practice.

September 11, 2022


begin (again) now


equanimity in the garden