continuous unfurling

Photo credit: Ruth Grohman

Spring must be my favorite time of year. There is a continuous unfurling—green shoots push up through dark earth; birds who have been quiet all winter greet the morning, their plumage changing to a brighter hue. The growing light is obvious even when it’s overcast and rainy. All of this brings me hope.

There are acts of hope that we engage in. As I return to my garden plot to prepare for the active growing season, I turn in the cover crop—hope for this season that began in the fall and continues with the planting of seeds. Each day of asana practice, there is a seed that is cultivated for my future practice. This past week, in an online class, I saw a woman in her early 80s practicing Urdhva Dhanurasana. That’s a seed I want to cultivate and care for!

This spring, I am especially hopeful. We’re moving out of pandemic mode and (cautiously) engaging in social activities. Jewel Yoga is offering more in-person classes and I’m happy to be teaching some of those classes. This Wednesday, April 27th at 5:30 p.m. I’ll be offering a “Welcome Back” class. This is for those of you who have been apprehensive or slow to get back to the studio. This class is open to all levels; space is limited, so sign up early.

I’ll continue to teach one class online. With the start of the late-spring term at Jewel Yoga, the Monday morning class is changing to All Levels to accommodate all who wish to participate—wherever you are in the world!

I’ll also be teaching the following classes at the studio in addition to my current offerings:

  • Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. | Level 3

  • Thursdays at 6:00 p.m. | All Levels

Later in May, I’ll be teaching a yoga retreat in the Oregon Coast Range. There are only a couple of spaces available. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enjoy a full weekend of yoga and friendship in a peaceful country setting—a sure way to cultivate hope in your asana practice!

April 24, 2022


into the field


wider view